Saturday, 23 March 2013

Our Sixth Earth Hour

It is Langham Hospitality Group’s sixth year participating in Earth Hour and we are proud to have all our hotels joining this meaningful event tonight.

Aside from switching off non-essential lights for an hour starting at 8.30 p.m., it is great to see some of our hotels think out-of-the-box in their promotion of this annual event, such as the creation of Earth Hour cocktails and pralines to hosting candle-lit dinners; from inviting an acapella group to perform when the house music is turned off to organising an art exhibition with a Green Nature theme.

Sweet Earth Hour reminders - pralines from The Langham, Shenzhen
Our dedicated engineers around the world have estimated that we will save 2,000 Kwh of electricity during that hour which is the equivalent of switching off approximately 36,000 lamps.

Saving energy for one hour may not make a significant impact overall, but Earth Hour plays a more crucial part in stimulating awareness and dialogue about using and more importantly, wasting, our limited resources. It is not just for that one hour but beyond that we must consider what we are doing as responsible citizens of the planet. Have we left our computer screens on during our lunch break? Do we regularly recycle paper, plastic bottles and aluminum cans? How efficient are we in the things that we use and consume in our daily life? There are many little things that we could do in our routines to be more self-aware and diligent in our conservation efforts.

I remember when I was a child, my father installed a solar water system on the roof of our house in North Queensland, Australia. It was quite unique in those days and the benefit we got was not just from the monetary savings but as a family thinking we were doing something good for the planet.  It is this idea of saving and helping if combined in a positive way and frame of mind that can be very powerful, not just at work but at home as well.
Our incandescent housekeeping team at The Langham, Hong Kong